May 01, 2011

The very first of may.

I will be writing a blog entry for everyday of May. One might call this a daily blog, that's how I will refer to it. So why a daily blog? Well, I received a challenge, and I accepted it. A good friend of mine who is a talented writer, committed to do this and invited me to join him, and I thought to myself, 'Why not?'. This will be an interesting project, process and learning experience. I like to write, I do. But it's not something I have consistently spent a lot of time doing, and never as a daily thing. So this shall be very interesting to see what happens. I will make no promises as to the subjects I'll be writing about. This will have to be determined by my mood or what I have experienced that day. Maybe it will be affected by the music I have been listening to that day, because I do in fact listen to music every day. But mostly I think it will be a place for me to rearrange my thoughts and maybe make some sense of what is all happening in there, my head that is. I also refuse to commit myself to writing a specific length every day, maybe some days all it will be is a line or two. Others might turn into short stories. As you can tell there are no rules. I like it better that way.

So, yes. Today will only be an introduction I think. Maybe over the course of the next 31 days I will have my life figured out, wouldn't that be grand? I won't get my hopes up though, since this is what I have been trying to do the past 6 months without success.

My name is Camilla. I am 24 years old. When I turned 23 I had a quarter-life crisis. I have a little bit of gray in my hair. I live with my parents for the time being. I have no idea where I want to go, or what I want to do, but I am doing what I can to figure that out. I am single. A middle child, one older and one younger sister. Born and raised in Denmark right outside of the capital, Copenhagen, but I also consider several places in the US my home. Because home is where the heart is, right? I sew, crochet, knit, paint, glue, repair, bike, rearrange my room, laugh, smile and cry.

This is me. It's who I am, it's what I do. Most of the time anyway.

1 comment:

Michael. said...

Brilliant. A splendid first post! Bravo, Camilla. Bravo :)