May 11, 2011


As this night comes to an end I am feeling content. Why? Because I have come to realize something. I was thinking about what means something to me, what makes me happy, and it is simple really. Mindblowingly (if that's a word, my computer says it isn't, but I don't care!) simple. People make me happy. Friendships. Acquaintanceships. Relations between other people and me. That is really what life is all about. Meeting people and being there with them in the moment, for the moment, at the moment. You know what I mean, you feel it too. That is life at it's very best. Having people in your life that you can love on and who loves you back. Wether that be through a smile, a hug, a cup of coffee or a Facebook wall post. It as all a sign of love. The love that we can only find the purest example of in the fellowship with one other person. You know who I'm talking about.

1 comment:

Michael. said...

Mindblowingly brilliant!