May 10, 2011

21st entry.

This is my 21st entry since I started this blog back in 2008. Back then I though of it as a place to collect my thoughts and such. Now it's somewhere I go to just write or process. Or neither. Or maybe both.

This being my 21st post, means that I now officially have the same amount of blog entries on my craft blog ( and this other blog thing, that I don't know what to classify as.

A couple of months ago, I started stumbling. Not in the common sense of the word, that means almost falling. But in the sense that I joined the StumbleUpon network. A website with the purpose of wasting time. But I do find a lot of good things; cool photos, DIY tutorials, craft ideas, funny quotes and all kinds of funny random things. Today I stumbled upon a set of rules. I know, rules are usually super lame, but not these ones. They are called 'A codified set of the builder's, crafter's, maker's rules' I will just highlight a few of the ones I really liked.

#3 The effort itself is the reward. Yes, I did spend three days on a device to save me ten minutes. You are missing the point of the process.

#5 Miscellaneous parts are life. I'm keeping that because I will need it someday. Last time I threw something out, I needed it the very next day.

#7 Projects are stackable. It's not that I am starting something new before finishing something old - I'm nesting the new project inside the old.

The entire list will now be up on my wall for everyone and myself to see, because it is so full of truth. Can't you tell?

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